
Showing posts from February, 2020

The Concept of Charity

Charity is the expression of extending love and kindness to others unconditionally. It is a conscious decision made by the heart, without expecting a reward. When Charity is executed selflessly, it’s a one-way act where a person gives but asks for absolutely nothing in return. It’s due to this act of nature that makes it precious and soulful. There are some people who believe charity should first begin at home, others believe it should first originate from the heart. However, charity originates from the heart as you feel the urge of giving, begins from home, and then ultimately extending to others in society. Charity starts with the internal recognition of a need to show compassion to others whether it is consciously or unconsciously. Everyone has problems, troubles, and griefs of some sort but charity starts with those who have learned to downplay their own problems, to extend compassion, kindness, and love to help others in need. Hence some people set aside their own pains to

Appreciated Real Estate And Charitable Donations

Donating appreciated real estate to charity is one of those things that can be difficult to generalize about but critical to understand. Maybe you’re thinking of donating to a charity like Giving Center , but don’t possess the liquid assets to meet your philanthropic goals. Or you are looking for a way to downsize your real estate portfolio without gaining a huge tax bill. If you are planning to donate appreciated real estate to charity , there are important tax, business and financial considerations involved. The Benefits of Donating Appreciated Real Estate Your donations qualify you for an income tax deduction equal to the fair market value (FMV) or the cost basis of the property. The amount of your deduction usually depends on whether the real estate is a short-term asset (real estate held one year or less) or a long-term asset (real estate held more than one year). For short-term assets, the tax deduction is equal to the lesser of the property’s FMV or its cost ba

How To Focus In On Giving

The benefits of giving back are well-documented. It simply makes you feel good.  Research has revealed  it can contribute to lower blood pressure as well as a longer life. However, the desire to help your favorite causes can also be frustrating when you are unable to contribute a large donation and you don’t have a lot of time to volunteer. Good news,  Giving Center  wants to let you know there are a number of great ways you can make a difference without breaking your wallet or shaving off another hour of needed rest. With a little focus and forethought, you cab make philanthropy a way of life without a lot of time or money. FOCUS YOUR GIVING While it might feel like you don’t have enough to donate  money  or donate  property  to donate to  causes and missions  that matter most to you, you may be surprised to find out how much you are giving to those that aren’t as high a priority to you. People typically give in three ways. The first way is through communal gifts — cookies yo

Wondering What To Do With Your Old Computer?

Not every computer user turns there attic or garage into a graveyard for outdated electronics such as PCs. Before you don the goggles and break out the power tools, think about whether there isn’t some mileage left in that hard drive, as well as in the PC you removed it from. It is easier than never before to find a nonprofit willing to wipe and refurbish old desktop computers , laptops , and tablets . However, if the system has indeed chomped its last bit, there are plenty of organizations that will ensure that it is disposed of responsibly, including the device’s original vendor, in many cases. Can you donate that old computer? Just because you have run out of uses for an old desktop or notebook PC doesn’t mean someone else won’t find it usable. In order to determine whether a computer is a good candidate for donation, here some quick FAQ’s on Computers with Causes ‘s minimum donation candidate requirements. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s eCycling site lis

7 Reasons Why We Should Donate To Charity

Charity is one of the best ways to help such people. Most of the time, charity is in monetary form, however, there are several other ways to be charitable as well depending on what your target is. Collectively, any kind of charity is considered to be a noble act. Here are 7 reasons why we should donate to charity : 1.    Improving Self-worth Donating to the poor or any kind of charity is a good way to feel good about yourself. It is a satisfactory act. Most people find helping underprivileged people to be a part of the meaning of their lives. However, the act of charity should be sincere to produce such a feeling. 2.    Giving Back Many successful people come from a poor or underprivileged background. They say when you reach the top, you should not forget to send the lift back down. In order to give back to the people whose support got you to a good place, you can help them by donating to charity. This act also keeps you humble in your success. 3.    Spreadi