How To Focus In On Giving

The benefits of giving back are well-documented. It simply makes you feel good. Research has revealed it can contribute to lower blood pressure as well as a longer life. However, the desire to help your favorite causes can also be frustrating when you are unable to contribute a large donation and you don’t have a lot of time to volunteer.
Good news, Giving Center wants to let you know there are a number of great ways you can make a difference without breaking your wallet or shaving off another hour of needed rest. With a little focus and forethought, you cab make philanthropy a way of life without a lot of time or money.


While it might feel like you don’t have enough to donate money or donate property to donate to causes and missions that matter most to you, you may be surprised to find out how much you are giving to those that aren’t as high a priority to you.
People typically give in three ways. The first way is through communal gifts — cookies you buy from school fundraisers, electronically made donations to friends’ 5K fundraisers, or donations to your alma mater. Next are the things you personally have had an experience with or care about, such as supporting charities related to an illness a relative may have had or if you were a dancer and so you donate to a dance program for under-served children. The final third category is where your own values and personal interests align. For example, supporting a nonprofit organization like Giving Center who is dedicated to change and transformation at the community level. Moreover, Giving Center strives for socio-economic change through education and by charitable example, serving needs where they may be in our communities.
People are often surprised to find that they have given much more in the communal category than into something they care about. Occasionally, making a bigger impact is just a matter of adjusting those percentages. When you create a plan to focus your giving, you can make informed chooses on how you want to make an impact.


You typically spend your days developing the skills that make you successful in your career. There are probably nonprofits, like Giving Center, who could use those skills. Whether you are a writer who can help with the newsletter, or fundraising letters or a business guru who can give valuable input on new strategies or programs, take a look at how you can devote a few hours of what you do well to an organization that matters to you.


Those in the philanthropy world often refer to three donating types: time, talent, and treasure. The ties or the networks people have, are also valuable. Making and creating connections helping nonprofit organizations find the people who are able to assist with the advice and resources they need is invaluable. Connections can help with new strategic ideas, inspiration, and finding other donors. Making introductions and managing outreach on behalf of the organization has value.


Instead of trying to find the perfect gift, give the gift of giving back. Similarly, you might want to donate your birthday to a cause and launch a mini-fundraiser on Facebook, or tell your friends and family members that you’d prefer donations in your name to a certain cause rather than gifts for birthdays and other holidays.

Other Ways To Give

Remember that treasure category? Here are some kinds of items or treasures can make an impact for your charity of choice:


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